Tulodong 111 Raysidence

Executive Kost/Exclusive Housing in the heart of Jakarta's central business district. Rooms available for rent.

FB page: https://www.facebook.com/Tulodong111

Area: SCBD, Sudirman, Senopati, Senayan
Popular places nearby: Pacific Place Mall, Jakarta Stock Exchange (BEJ), Electronic City, QNB Kesawan Tower, Equity Tower, Energy Building, Ritz Carlton PP, Beer Garden, Potato Head Garage, Apotik Senopati, Plaza Mandiri

Room Size: 3.5 x 4 m2 (Including bathroom)

Room/Building Amenities: A/C, WiFi Internet, Cable TV, Private Bathroom (Hot/Cold water, Shower, toilet, wash basin), Bed, Desk & Chair, Wardrobe, Bedside drawers, Refrigerator, Drinking Water, Microwave, Rooftop deck, Sitting room, Regular room cleaning, 24 hr Security + CCTV. Please contact us for inquiries on other amenities.

Double Occupancy: By discussion

Additional Detail:
-Brand New building.
-Situated in a posh and quiet residential area, on the main road (not in an alley)
-Walking distance to SCBD area offices and entertainment
-No smoking in rooms and indoor common area
-No Pets
-Please contact us for inquiries on other amenities or special cases, we will try to accommodate if possible.
- Parking is very limited.

Room Rate: Rp. 4.5mio/month. (please contact us for rate detail)

Please email [email protected] or call 085882349879 for more information. (Please leave your SMS message and contact number if nobody answers the phone)
Jenis Kost
Kost Campur
Free WiFi
Kamar Mandi Dalam
Lokasi Kost
Jakarta Selatan
Kebayoran Baru
Tulodong Bawah 1 No 11
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